How to Join
To join HCTA you must be a Construction Company with Head Office or Regional Office within Hampshire.
As a first step you may wish to speak directly to us in which case call Carolyn on 07525 807939. Alternatively you may prefer to email us at telling us who you are, your company name and the nature of your business, your website address if you have one and your telephone number so we can call you.
Membership Fees
We are able to keep membership fees to a nominal level to support our meet ups as our day to day running costs are funded by the CITB. The Membership Fee for 2024 is £100.00 plus VAT.
Fees for the following year are reviewed and approved by members each year at the AGM in March. The CITB Funding is a provided as HCTA demonstrates that it and its members are actively engaged in training and developing their staff, supporting apprenticeships and promoting Construction careers.
We will explain how this works before you join

One-To-One Support
We can provide email, telephone and face to face support to help you assess your training needs, access training funds and identify suitable training providers in your area. This may be particularly important for you now that the CITB has moved to a one-to-many model of communication with Construction employers. Our members benefit from discounts on training from a number of local and national training providers covering a range of topics, both Construction specific and business related.
Member-To-Member Support
Our members tell us that one of the biggest benefits of being an HCTA member is the friendships they build with other members and the things they learn from each other. Often you will find that another member has already faced and overcome a problem you are grappling with and can shortcut your search by directing you straight to a solution that worked for them.
If members have arranged (directly or through HCTA) for In-house courses and they find they have vacant spaces, these can be shared between other members to help them cover the cost and provide another source of training.
To see who our members are find the Our Members button (on Members Area) where they are listed alphabetically and has links to their websites. If you would like to network with these companies, then why not see if you can join us!
HCTA backed Courses
Each year we run courses within Hampshire which are of specific interest to our members. Members may only need 1 or 2 people trained in a particular skill but find that these courses only run on an in-house basis. In the past few years, HCTA has helped support ‘Stepping Up’, a course designed for new supervisors to enhance their soft skills; Leadership and Motivation; Mentoring; IEMA Environmental Management in Construction; Face Fit Train the Tester; SEATS and Temporary Works Co-ordinator, some of which are now readily available as a result of our initiating them and demonstrating the need for them locally.
HCTA Co-funded Training
Historically HCTA received some additional support from CITB for member training, but this is no longer available. The group continues to support membership training by negotiating discounts with approved training providers locally and also from its own reserves. This is agreed by the committee and at quarterly member meetings and does not have to be used specifically on Construction related courses or for Construction staff members.