
About iConstruct
To meet the current skills shortage (currently predicted by CITB to be 225,000 needed by 2027), i-Construct is the brainchild of Jason Woodward, Committee Member of HCTA.
i-Construct aims to reach as many students as early as possible to educate them about the diverse career pathway within construction and wider built environment industry. Thus, i-Construct 2022 was founded by HCTA and its member companies both sponsoring and supporting its 2-day event at CETC & CEMAST, Fareham College.
Primarily aimed at years 7-9 before making their GCSE choices alongside those from years 10-11 and their parents and educators, i-Constuct helps inform them that the built environment is an exciting opportunity to transform the world around them and truly make a difference. Besides addressing the skills shortage, i-Construct’s goal is to increase the talent pipeline, build a more diverse workforce and promote social mobility.
i-Construct is a fully embracing experience where students are given a storyline scenario (to build an emergency Nightingale Hospital) and asked to research questions on a participating company and the role it plays within this scenario before attending one of the days.